My Friend from Faro
My Friend from Faro Director: Nana Neul, Germany, 2008, 8 min Each person embarks on a long road of discovery to find themselves and understand who they are. In the film by German director Nana Neul the main characters are grappling with these essential questions concerning love, sexuality and gender identity. A discussion on gender identity in adolescents will follow the film screening. |
Discussion: «В поиске своего Я…»
Place: «Cafe D», the Goethe Institute (Ground Floor, 58, Moika Embankment)
Время: 23 апреля 2010, 19:00 – 22:00
Alexander Shmik – Transexual
Dmitry Pirogov – Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology at St. Petersburg State Paediatric Medical Academy
Nikita Podvyisotsky - Director of Drag king Travesty Project
Maria Sabunaeva – Psychologist and Moderator
Entrance: If you would like to attend the screening please email: info [at] (укажите Ваше имя)