C  O  N  C  H  I  T  A    W  U  R  S  T


The fictitious character Conchita Wurst was brought to life in 2011 by Austrian singer and drag artist Tom Neuwirth. As the bearded diva Conchita Wurst, the artist's first TV performance was in 2011 at the casting show “The Big Chance” on Austrian national television. With her song “Rise Like A Phoenix”, Conchita won the 59th Eurovision Song Contest in Copenhagen in 2014. This moment was captured in time as she exclaimed in victory “We are unstoppable!” and became an overnight sensation and global ambassador for the LGBTIQ-Community.

Since then, her debut album was released and followed by numerous awards, gigs and TV-shows as well as guest performances at Pride Events in more than 20 countries worldwide. She visited the European Parliament in October 2014 and meets with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Ban particularly praised her commitment to the fight against intolerance and discrimination and calls her performance “an electrifying moment of human rights education.”

Becoming the hero of one’s own life, self-determined, without discrimination or violence, unstoppable with love and respect. Conchita remains faithful to this profoundly human message – as an artist as well as in the fashion world or as an advocate for the dignity of all human beings.

Love. Respect. Conchita. 




C  E  L  E  B  R  A  T  E    A  T    T  H  E    A  F  T  E  R  P  A  R  T  Y !

25 | 11 23.00 - 06.00 700 | 500* Rubles THE PLACE       
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