Tomáš Weinreb, Petr Kazda  | Czech, Poland, Slovakia, France | 2016 | 105 min.

Olga Hepnarova was a young, lonely lesbian outsider from a cold-hearted family who couldn’t play the part society desired of her. Her paranoid self-examination and inability to connect with other people eventually drove her over the edge of humanity when she was only twenty-two years old.

The film, meticulously composed and shot in elegiac black and white, shows the human being behind the mass murderer without glorifying or downplaying the terrible crime she committed. Guided by her letters Olga’s psyche is delved into and we lay witness to the worsening of her loneliness and alienation which culminate in a disastrous act.

Although the story is set in the seventies, young people worldwide today still face problems of not belonging, being different, and being bullied because of race, gender or sexual orientation.


2016 | Sofia International Film Festival | Best Director, 2016 | Berlin International Film Festival | Nomination Best First Feature Award



                                  FROM AFAR  






LOFT 18.46


   21.00 - 22.50


250 | 200*