All shorts in this collection won Teddy Award at Internation Berlin Film Festival in the 1987 - 2007 period.
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Daniel Stedman, USA, 2001, 4 min Celebration is about a six year old boy announcing his homosexuality to a large group of family and friends, who burst out of their seats into applause, shouts of approval and even tears, and we are left to wonder what he is feeling. |
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Chris Newby, UK, 1991, 22 min Using superb monochrome imagery Relax explore the emotions of a Londoner as he awaits the results of an HIV test. |
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With What Shall I Wash It?
Maria Trenor, Spain, 2003, 10 min Day break in the red-light district of a Spanish town. Someone who earns their living in these parts makes their way home, sits down in front of the mirror and begins to remove their make-up. As they do so, they reflect on the events of the night to the strains of a song from the Middle Ages entitled "Con que la lavare?", a lament about single women which was once sung in four-part harmony. A celluloid tribute to homosexual artistes of the late 1970s, just after Franco's dictatorship. |
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Stale Bread
Nathalie Percillier, German, 1999, 7 min The breadfactory's up and running. The girls are going strong. Production's right on target. But here comes Ute... |
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Precious Moments
Lars Krutzkoff, Jan Dalchow, Norway, 2003, 17 min True story of a 30 something man arrested for having sex with a young man under the age of consent. The younger man made the initial contact and claimed to be old enough to consent. |
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Ere Mela Mela
Daniel Wiroth, France, 2000, 7 min Two men dance a pas de deux in the living room of a flat; the music is Mahmoud Ahmed's song 'Erè mèla mèla.' The men are nearly twins, one blond, one dark-haired, and much of what each does mirrors the other. Through the wonders of stop action, they glide in tandem; socks, trousers, and sweatshirts move from one to the other and back. It is at once a dance of athletes, of lovers, of a team, and of two abstractions. At the end, they roll up inside a rug with large red circles; when the rug unrolls, they have become flattened cutouts that blow away. White clouds pass outside, seen from the window of the flat, against a blue, blue sky. |