Films: Meth

  • Director: Todd Ahlberg
  • Category: Documentary film
    2006, USA, 52 min


METH is a new documentary film exploring the rising wave of crystal methamphetamine use within the gay population.

Through the reflections of a dozen gay men, we learn of the drug's allure, its promise, and why its popularity is soaring. It begins as an ecstatic, mind-blowing thrill ride where one finds himself on top of the world with feelings of superhuman power and collegial connectivity. As crystal's power takes hold, however, it begins to call the shots, and the fun takes a turn for darkness.

Some of the men in the film are current users, and they share their life with us while under the constant influence of "Tina". Other interviewees are former denizens of "Tina World", who have managed to shake Tina�s grip and crawl back from the depths she lead them to... Glimmers of hope in a realm where less than 6% ever succeed escaping from.

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  • 3 Oct, 15:00, 200 RUB
    PIK, Hall 4

  • 5 Oct, 21:20, 200 RUB
    PIK, Hall 4