News Coverage

Valeriya Novodvorskaya, "I find it hard to imagine gays storming the Kremlin�"
by Gay.Ru
February 13 2008, Gay.Ru
Original article in Russian

Valeriya Novgorodskyaya voiced her support on The New Times magazine talk show for the LGBT Film Festival Side by Side that is going to take place in Saint-Petersrburg in the fall of 2008.

She believes it's not the Kremlin that is responsible for the rise of homophobia in Russia, but more likely the "Russian Orthodox Church and the barbaric views of the Russian society, in that sense being far removed from Europe." Among other reasons for the growth of hate towards gays, Novodvorskaya listed "mayor Luzhkov's barbaric views." "But I think that Valentina Matvienko is also barbatic enough," said Novodvorskaya, "We'll see how she allows a film festival about homosexuals to proceed."

According to the politician and journalist, "A Festival is more significant than a parade, because a Festival is interesting. It's art." "If I had the time, I would go and take a look�" noted Novodvorskaya.

"I have not seen "Brokeback Mountain", but "Total Eclipse" is a very talented film," said the founder of the "Democratic Union." "Not only does it not advocate same-sex love, but shows how it can lead to grief and misfortune, as it did Verlaine and Rimbaud�"

Novodvorskaya called those who advocate banning the LGBT Festival upholders of "totalitarian ideology." She also doesn't believe that the actor Oleg Basilashvili could turn out to be one of "barbarians." "I think the media is spreading a false rumor�," she said.

Film Festival Side by Side is going to demonstrate only the best films about gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transsexuals from all over the world. "With your help we will create a cultural space where one can learn the truth about the diversity of human relationships and where those representing sexual diversity can feel comfortable," say the Festival organizers in their address to the public.

You can already apply for participation in the Festival, support it financially or volunteer. For any questions regarding submission of films, contact [email protected].

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